Thanks to the support of the community, BVUSD boasts incredible music programs that includes a marching band and chorus.
First-Year & Advanced Band Programs: Strawberry’s band programs are led by professional musician, Sara Williams, who is also the Band Director at Herbert Slater Middle School. These programs teach students to read music and play their instrument independently and with fellow musicians in both concert performances and as a marching band in the Rose Parade. Programs are open to all students.
2021-22 Band Practice Schedule
Beginning band: Tuesdays and Wednesdays 3:00-4:00pm
Advanced band: Thursdays and Fridays 3:00-4:00pm
Strawberry Gleeagles (Chorus): Strawberry’s very popular choral music program introduces students to choral music, rounds, beginning harmonies and singing both accompanied and a Capella. Open to all students, the Gleeagles practice one day a week after school, schedule coming soon.
To register for band or for the Gleeagles choir, you must submit completed registration paperwork online. Payment may be made via PayPal.
NOTE: Online registration for band has closed. Registration for chorus for fall 2021 is still open!