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Bennett Valley Education Foundation (BVEF) is looking for parents who want to make a difference in their child’s education, meet other parents, and be a greater part of our school community. Here are 5 great reasons to join us:

  1. CONNECT WITH OTHER BVUSD PARENTS while gaining a sense of community that’s been missing during the pandemic.
  2. HAVE DIRECT INPUT into the art, music, and dance programs BVEF funds to enhance your child’s educational experience.
  3. PUT YOUR TALENTS & INTERESTS TOWARD A GREAT CAUSE – your child’s education!
  4. GET THE INSIDE SCOOP on what’s going on around campus – our district Superintendent, both principals, and teacher representatives from Yulupa and Strawberry participate in BVEF meetings.
  5. BECAUSE WE NEED YOU! BVUSD would not be the outstanding district it is without an outstanding group of parents working behind the scenes.

No drama. No cliques. Just a group of dedicated parents working toward the common goal of keeping the arts in our schools! BVEF meets the first Wednesday of every month. If you are interested in getting involved, please complete the interest form below or contact

Volunteer Interest Form

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