BVEF has the following items available as of June 1. To purchase, text Michelle at (707) 799-0202. All proceeds support BVEF and arts in Bennett Valley schools!
Red Wines
Brand Type Location Vintage Qty Price Kunde Cabernet Sonoma Valley ’18 10 $25 1924 Cabernet Lodi ’20 2 $20 Marques Casa Cabernet Chile ’18 2 $25 Joel Gott Cabernet ’19 1 $22 Burgess Cabernet Napa Valley ’17 7 $47 Stegman Ranch Pinot Russian River ’20 7 $46 La Crema Pinot Monterey ’21 Lots $23 1000 Stories Pinot ’20 1 $20 Cline Zinfandel Contra Costa ’19 1 $25 Coyote Zinfandel Dry Creek ’20 4 $30 Menage a Trois Blend ’20 3 $12 Mine! Sparkling Red 1 $20
White Wines
Brand Type Location Vintage Qty Price Heitz Cellars Chardonnay Quartz Creek ’20 7 $65 Malm Chardonnay ’21 3 $15 La Crema Chardonnay Monterey ’20 Lots $18 Davis Bynum Chardonnay River West ’21 3 $18 Joel Gott Chardonnay California ’21 1 $11 Seaglass Chardonnay Central Coast ’17 1 $15 Noble Vines Chardonnay ’21 1 $11 19 Crimes Sauvignon Cali Blanc ’21 2 $12 1924 Sauvignon ’20 1 $11 Matua Sauvignon ’22 1 $12 Copolla Rosé ’21 1 $15 Santa Margarita Pinto Grigio Italy ’21 1 $29
Brand Type Qty Price Modelo 18 pack $17 Sierra Nevada Pale Ale 12 pack $18